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WORLD TALK Parlez Français - S'adresse à tous âges

39.95 € TTC

Will it work for me?

If your French is good enough to follow basic conversations, but you still need to practice, World Talk is for you.
Everything you’ll hear in the program is in French , but you don’t need to know every word before you start. Listen for key words that you already know, then pick up new words in the same way you would when talking to a native speaker.

How does it work?

Lay interactive language games and earn points for every game you play. High scorers can go on to win bronze, silver and gold awards, which you can print out as a record of achievement.
Speak and write in French . Record yourself and compare your pronunciation with a native speaker, then test your written French with four dictation exercises.
You’ll start to think in French! World Talk is an ‘immersive’ experience: in this program you will only hear French . You’ll learn to associate the language with memorable images – not just the equivalent words in your own language. This means you’ll start thinking in French, which will make you quicker at understanding and recalling words.

System requirements :

Windows 2000 or later

Mac OS X 10.3.9 or above

CD ROM Drive (+ computer microphone)

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